Call for Contribution

Conference Title

Virtual Balkans. Virtual Collaborative Learning in Higher Education


November 30th, 2022


EPOKA University, Tirana, Albania

Call for Contribution

We invite researchers and practitioners to submit their research abstracts and research papers to the International Conference on Virtual Exchange and Collaborative Learning. Contributions from original results of empirical, conceptual, or experimental research work in the broad area of virtual collaborative learning and innovative pedagogical approaches are most welcome for presentation. 

Broad Topics and Themes for the conference include, but not limited to:

  • Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL), Virtual Collaborative Learning (VCL) 
  • Virtual Learning Environments
  • E-learning, hybrid classes, and flipped classroom 
  • Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)
  • Information and Communication Technologies in education
  • Assessment and Evaluation of virtual/distance learning
  • Innovative Materials, Teaching and Learning Experiences 
  • Curriculum Design in virtual settings
  • Learning Management Systems

Important dates

  • Deadline for submission of conference abstracts: 1 November 2022
  • Conference dates: 30 November 2022
  • Deadline for submission of full papers: 25 January 2023

Conference Proceedings and Publication

The selected contributions will be peer-reviewed and published in the Conference Proceedings. After the Conference the authors can submit full papers from their contributions by Janunary 25th, 2023, to, which can be considered for the special issue of The International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning (IJMKL). The paper selection will be carried out during the peer review process and at the conference presentation stage. Submitted papers that are considered for publication at IJMKL must not be under consideration by any other journal for publication. The final decision for the paper selection will be made based on peer review reports and the Editor-in-Chief of IJMKL jointly.  

VALEU-X Conference _ Abstracts

VALEU-X Conference _ Full Paper

The abstracts should be submitted on the following mail:

Background for the topic

The importance of knowledge and the need for continuous updating of the information that constitutes it, dictates new forms of teaching and learning.  Recently we are experiencing rapid technological developments. Individuals, organizations, societies, and countries are experiencing times of unprecedented change. Digitization has turned to be an essential component of this transformation process, and many of the new and emerging approaches of education and working revolve around the use of technologies.

Today, new ICT technology is more than ever necessary in all areas, including the field of education, which helps to overcome restrictions of location and time. These technologies open new ways of access to knowledge. The Digital Education Action Plan (2021-2027) of the European Union seeks stronger cooperation at the European level on digital education and has presented prospects and mechanisms to support for the digitalization of teaching methods and pedagogies and the provision of infrastructure required for inclusive and resilient remote learning (EU, 2021). In this context, universities face a challenge that if properly tackled could be turned into an opportunity at the same time. It is the digitalization and innovation in teaching paradigm, where students of today are from the so-called Generation Z or digital natives using technologies all the time while most universities and academic staff still follow the traditional models of teaching. According to a study done in the context of VALEU-X Project, 83.8% of a sample of 275 academic staff that responded to a survey conducted in Albania claim that they moved their courses online only after COVID-19 interruption came about, and 64.7% of them claimed not to be ready for this transition, at that time (Vladi et al., 2020). The same report concluded that the existing literature for virtual teaching and learning is quite fragmented and limited and that more technical, didactical, and pedagogical support is needed to boost the academic staff and learner’s ICT literacy.

As a response, universities, and academic staff in general need to see the necessity of innovating the teaching and learning practices and integrate the context of higher education with the demands of the very dynamic industry market. Thus, a successful university and/or professor is the one able to orchestrate the diverse and multidisciplinary teaching materials, contemporary learning and teaching tools and practices, and align them to the real needs of industry and the society in general. 

International Conference on Virtual Exchange and Collaborative Learning aims to serve as a multi-disciplinary forum to highlight and exchange information and research results on virtual collaborative teaching and learning practices, innovative pedagogies, and various delivery methods in the higher education context. It will provide a platform for researchers, practitioners, and educators to discuss the most recent trends and challenges encountered, and solutions adopted in the field of virtual collaborative learning and innovative pedagogical approaches.